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What's available on Cyberschool? 

The Selective Trial Test Course is a demanding program, and requires extra effort from students who wish to improve. 


On Cyberschool, parents and students are able to access:


  • The 15 Hardest Questions from the Mathematical Reasoning and Thinking Skills (MR/TS) trial tests and a Writing re-test for a chance to review the test. â€‹

  • ReviewAdditional material based on the Reading/Writing/Vocab (R/W/V) trial tests.

  • The Vocabulary List for the upcoming R/W/V trial test.

How do I access Cyberschool?

To access your online Video Lessons & other Cyberschool services, please visit and log in with your Student ID. Please read the Cyberschool Instructions document for a detailed breakdown of all the resources available.


Where can I check my child's results? 

The report for each test will be made available on Cyberschool the Saturday following the test.​


  • Find the results under 'My Courses' âžœ ' STTC' âžœ 'My Result'.

  • Click the underlined number under the 'Score' column to display the full test report, rankings, and the types of questions completed.


Where can I find Maths and Thinking Skills resources?

We advise that parents and students review the 15 hardest incorrect Mathematical Reasoning and Thinking Skills questions from each MR/TS trial test. These will be made available on Cyberschool the Saturday after the test.


  • Find the review under  'Test Review' âžœ 'STTC Review' in Cyberschool.

  • Note that there is a 14 day 'Viewing Period' for each test, so please check and save your questions within the period if you wish to review them at a later date.


Where can I find resources for Reading, Writing and Vocabulary?

We strongly advise that parents and students use these following resources, available on Cyberschool to help them review previous tests and to prepare for future test. 

Where can I review my incorrect answers? (STTC challenge)

Please take advantage of the STTC Challenge that has been created to further progress your child's test skills. The STTC Challenge includes up to 15 questions from the previous MR/TS trial test which your child answered incorrectly. The Challenge opens the Saturday after each MR/TS exam, and closes 2 weeks after this date, so make sure to complete it by then! 

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Test Taking Tips for New Students!

Tests can be difficult and scary for new students. Here are a few basic principles to keep in mind during your first few tests:


  • Time management - keep an eye on the time to make sure you finish the test.

  • Identify easy questions to complete first.

  • Learn when to skip questions or take an educated guess.

  • The elimination method - eliminate any obviously incorrect answers.

  • Double check your answers - use up all of your test time.

  • Don't stress too much - you'll get better as you go!

Get in touch!

If at any point during the term you have any further queries or concerns about the course, please don't hesitate to contact us.


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